BookDoc partners with the largest Takaful Insurance Company in Malaysia
BookDoc partners with the largest Takaful Insurance Company in Malaysia to improve access to healthcare.
BookDoc partners with the largest Takaful Insurance Company in Malaysia to improve access to healthcare.
Dato’s Chevy Beh congratulated Twilio founder for its recent successful IPO despite global market condition and yet achieving over 70% return less than 1 month.
Dato’ Chevy Beh, the founder of BookDoc with the senior management team of Baijia, the largest O&G hospital chain in Shanghai, China.
BookDoc banner placed in all private hospital in Malaysia including largest hospital chain KPJ.
The founder of BookDoc honored to be the judge for FedEx program working in conjunction with AMCHAM with other panel judges and one of the participating team.
BookDoc is an online booking platform that aims to conveniently connect and unite healthcare providers with customers.
Dato’ Chevy Beh, the founder of BookDoc speaking at Forbes under 30 Summit together with other panelists.