BookDoc featured on Deal Street Asia
Malaysia: BookDoc partners Agoda, to integrate room booking services on app To view the full article, please click here.
Malaysia: BookDoc partners Agoda, to integrate room booking services on app To view the full article, please click here.
BookDoc’s Partnership With Agoda Gives A Boost To Medical Tourism, Locally & Abroad To view the full article, please click here.
BookDoc To Expand As Asean Market Beckons To view the full article, please click here.
Achieving another significant milestone tying up with Social Security of Malaysia, to help improve access to care to the whole working population. To view the full article, please click here.
BookDoc partners with world-renowned Singapore-based Asian American Medical Group. The Australia-listed entity is the first in South East Asia to have successfully performed over 200 living donor liver transplant.
BookDoc is an online booking platform that aims to conveniently connect and unite healthcare providers with customers.
BookDoc tied up with Agoda, the largest hotel aggregator in Asia with over 800,000 rooms.
Startup Digest: BookDoc partners HK’s Town Health, MaGIC SE’s legal handbook,’s online payroll system To view the full article, please click here.
Dato’ Chevy Beh, the founder of BookDoc, is honoured to be invited as a speaker in the Telecom Asia Awards and 7th Telco Strategies Conference.