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BookDoc Terima Rakan Kongsi Strategik Baharu   KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Feb (Bernama) — BookDoc, platform dalam talian yang menghubungkan pesakit kepada profesional penjagaan kesihatan, menerima suntikan kewangan dalam dolar Amerika Syarikat pada jumlah yang enggan didedahkan, diketuai oleh anggota keluarga Stanley Ho, taikun bilionair Macau.   BookDoc, beribu pejabat di Malaysia, menerima baik pelaburan dua…

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BookDoc Featured on

BookDoc Receives New Strategic Partner   KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 21 (Bernama) — BookDoc, an online platform that connects patients to healthcare professionals, received an injection of an undisclosed amount of US dollars, led by a family member of Stanley Ho, the Macau billionaire tycoon.   Headquartered in Malaysia, BookDoc welcomed the double-digit millions dollar investments,…

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BookDoc featured on Focus Paper

Nice way to start the new year! Our partnership with National Heart Institute of Malaysia featured on Focus Paper.   BookDoc partners with the largest private stand alone hospital in terms of beds and revenue none other than National Heart Hospital of Malaysia (IJN). Proud to be associated with a JCI accreditated hospital with world…