Ready to spice up your Chinese New Year with a dash of healthiness? As the vibrant festivity approaches, let’s explore a celebration that not only fills your heart with joy but also leaves you feeling your best. Say goodbye to overindulgence and hello to a mindful feast. Here, we have gathered some simple tips to make your celebration both festive and friendly to your well-being. Let’s make this Chinese New Year a happy and healthy celebration together!
Watch Your Portions
Amidst the tempting array of delicious dishes during Chinese New Year, it can be a challenge to resist the urge to try everything, and one might end up with an overloaded plate. A smart trick to ensure you enjoy just the right amount without feeling overly full is to opt for a smaller plate. This simple trick naturally limits the quantity of food you take, which keeps you from overeating. So, let your smaller plate guide you to a satisfying feast without going overboard on portions.
Enjoy Your Meals Slowly
With a table full of tasty dishes in front of you, the temptation to indulge quickly can be strong. However, savouring your meals slowly is key. Did you know it can take around 20 minutes for your body to feel full after eating? Take a moment to appreciate each bite, as eating slowly not only gives your body the time it needs to signal fullness but also aids digestion and weight management.
Snack Before Visiting
As you gear up to visit friends and family during Chinese New Year, consider having a light, healthy snack before you head out. It might sound surprising, but going with an empty stomach can lead to overeating. So, grab a healthy snack like fruits, oats, or nuts to curb those cravings during the visits. These snacks are high in fibre, which helps to prevent overeating and achieve your daily fibre intake as well.
Stay Hydrated
Don’t forget to keep yourself refreshed and hydrated as you dive into the excitement of the Chinese New Year! Drinking water helps you avoid confusing thirst with hunger, so you won’t find yourself munching on an extra snack. You might be tempted to have those colourful sodas from your childhood, but they’re like sugar traps! While you can still enjoy them in moderation, go for water instead, which has zero calories and helps with managing your weight. It might not be as exciting, but it’s essential to keep you feeling good.
Toast Wisely
While toasting to the joyous festivities, remember to keep tabs on your alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol consumption not only adds empty calories but can also lead to overindulgence. The recommended guideline is not more than 2 servings for men and not more than 1 serving for women per day. For example, 1 serving of alcoholic drink is equivalent to 1 can of beer (350 ml) or 1 glass of wine (150 ml). Choosing lighter drinks and staying hydrated helps you enjoy the celebration without any regrets.
Stay Active
Staying active is not only good for your health but also helps you stay on track with your fitness goals. Don’t let the festive season be a reason to abandon your fitness goals, make it work for you instead! Look for opportunities to stay active within your festive activities – park your car further away when visiting your friends and relatives’ houses, play around with children, dance along to the lively Chinese New Year tunes, or go on a walk or hike with your family. The key is to keep your body moving and make staying active a joyful part of your Chinese New Year celebration!
As the echoes of New Year greetings fill the air, we hope our tips have added a sprinkle of healthiness to your celebrations. No more post-feast guilt or energy slumps! Remember, a happy feast and a healthy vibe can go hand in hand. Whether you’re nibbling on snacks or hitting the dance floor, may your Chinese New Year be bursting with joy and good health. Here’s to a fantastic, prosperous, and healthier year ahead! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Dietetics Intern, Huey Huey