As you know, there is a lot of bad impact to your body if you have too much belly fat. Belly fat not only looks bad, but it is also a storehouse of many internal problems such as diabetes, heart diseases and more . Belly fat or visceral fat is fat that accumulates between your organs like stomach and intestines.
Take out 30 minutes from your busy schedule every day to walk, play a sport, swim or indulge in any activity that makes you move around. Burning calories is key to reducing abdominal fat. Finally, to convert the flab into fab, you need to target this specific area to get rid of the fat and tone the muscles.
- Planks
- It helps to improve your posture by building isometric strength.
* In the beginning you may be able to hold the pose only for 8-10 seconds. Don’t worry, this will increase as you keep doing this. Repeat the same five-six times.
- Side Plank
- It helps to maintain proper posture and reduce stress on the spine and hence helps to prevent back issues.
- Strengthens the abdominal and the back muscles and can be practiced anytime but being consistent is the key here
- Sit Ups
Strengthening the abdominal muscles is the advantage of this exercise. Sit ups is one of the best exercises for your abs.
- Russian Twist
Russian twists strengthen your core, obliques, and spine. “It’s a total core exercise that also works your balance, builds stability in your spine, and trims your mid-section all at once,” says Donohoe.
- Crunches
- Crunches are considered as the fastest way to burn the belly fat and are very easy to do at home without any equipment. They tend to build endurance and power in your belly muscles.
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