Women are special creatures in this world. They are born with various peculiarities in terms of physiology, personality, and emotions. The report issued by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), 2020, states that women have surpassed men in Education but almost the same in terms of Health and Economy. The roles are changing and women are no longer expected to stay home – there are now opportunities for women to lead in organizations that, not long ago, were dominated by men.
With that being said, women still confront numerous obstacles in terms of health. Reports from the Department of Statistics Malaysia and Ministry of Health Malaysia shows that heart disease is the leading cause of death among women. Pregnancy, urinary tract, and sexually transmitted diseases are only a few of the obstacles women have to face. In addition, 2021 police reports states that the suicide rate among women to be 5 times higher than men. Whether physical or mental, health is still a major factor when considering a woman’s social well-being.
Here are some tips for women to stay healthy and awesome.
- Exercise 30 minutes a day or at least 3 times a week
Being physically active is beneficial even if you can’t exercise frequently. It can help in lowering blood pressure and reducing body fat.
- Healthy diet.
A healthy diet consists of whole grain products, adequate amounts of protein, more vegetables and fruit. Limit fats, sodium and sugary food which can help control cholesterol and sugar levels. This can also help prevent heart disease.
- Limit alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks a day.
Reducing the intake of alcohol can help lessen the risk of alcohol-related complications. Recommended alcohol intake for men is 2 drinks or less in a day or 1 drink or less in a day for women.
- Manage stress
Meditation and yoga are good choices for stress management. It encourages mental and physical relaxation which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. For Muslims, sholat and also therapy.
- Get enough sleep
A habit of having seven to eight hours of sleep a day is good for the heart and encourages a cheerier mood for the next day. This is what most adults need.
- Quit smoking
Whether it be for ceremonial purposes or an unhealthy habit, this psychoactive substance can be extremely harmful to our bodies. Smoking can cause a rise in heart rate, thicken blood vessels, clot the arteries and increase blood pressure. All of these might have a negative impact on health.
- Get regular check-ups
Regular screening for weight, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol level helps us stay alert on any health