High blood pressure, also known as Hypertension is a “silent killer” disease because it may show no symptom but would likely put you at high risk for heart disease, heart failure and stroke. In Malaysia, four out of ten adults aged ≥ 30 years have hypertension. There are approximately 50% of the people who are aware that they have been diagnosed with hypertension but only a third of those who have been treated are able to control their high blood pressure.
Magic Number of Blood Pressure is 120/80

Why Is It Significant for You?
It is important to know the range of blood pressure as you can take the necessary action to prevent it.
Normal | At Risk | High | |
Systolic | Less than 120 mmHg | 130-139 mmHg | Over 140 mmHg |
Diastolic | Less than 80 mmHg | Less 80-89 mmHg | Over 90 mmHg |
*”at risk” and “high” is diagnosed as prehypertension and hypertension.
Risk factor and cause of high blood pressure.
1. Obesity
- Aim for a healthy body mass index between 18 -25. Minimize the intake of fats and lean protein.
2. Age
- 20 % of adult between ages 24 to 32 is highly affected.
3. Gender
- Men have a higher chance at HTN as compared to women.
4. Smoking
- Quitting smoking can prevent clogged arteries.
5. Alcohol intake
- Limit alcohol intake to 1-2 drink per day.
6. Sodium intake
- Reduce salt intake to less than 5 g/day (1 teaspoon)
7. Sedentary
- Being physically active at least 30 minutes daily.
8. Stress and Anxiety
- Have a quality and enough sleep