Healthy Food Choices help you to have a balanced and nutritious diet. Let’s know more about your food by understanding the nutritional facts and health information.
5 things you need to know about your food.

Calorie is defined as the amount of energy you will get from food.
By knowing the calories per serving, you can take control of your calorie intake and subsequently control your weight.

Serving size refers to the number of servings contained in each container and the product’s recommended amount you should eat in one sitting.
Standard units are used to represent the amount of serving such as cup or tablespoons followed by its metric units in grams. This helps consumers to compare between similar products.

Nutrients are components of food that need to be controlled because they affect health outcomes.
- Dietary Fiber – The daily requirement is 25 grams. Food choices are considered as good if it has a minimum of 5 grams per serving
- Total Fat – The daily requirement is 20-30%. It is best to avoid food that is high in saturated fat and trans fat. You can look for the term “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated”, these terms indicate that the product contains trans fats.
- Cholesterol- The daily requirement is less than 300 mg. Cholesterol –free is having less than 5mg/100g of food.
- Sodium – The daily requirement is less than 2,300 mg/day (or < 1 teaspoon of salt) for adults and 1,500 mg/day for individuals with a health problems such as high blood pressure.
- Total Sugar – choose foods that have less than 5g of sugar per serving. Look out for the terms fructose, dextrone, inverted sugars and maltose in food package labels.

Percentage Daily Value (% DV) refers to the percentage of the amount that contributes to your daily diet.
Choose food that have:
< 5% DV on Saturated Fat, Sodium, and Added Sugars and considered as low in a nutrient
> 20% DV on Dietary Fiber, Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron, and Potassium and considered high in nutrient

The ingredient is a list of ingredients contained in food and it helps users know on ingredients that need to be aware of (eg. added sugar, MSG (monosodium glutamate), and Artificial Colorings).
The ingredient listed first is present in the largest amount and listed last is present in the least amount in food.
Above are important tips and facts on how to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Understanding the product labeling and its terms are important in educating consumer to be good and knowledgeable on their food choices.